Copies with text in French, English and Greek.
Made in Crete, the native land of the photographer Nyima Marin, "L'Adieu du Minotaure" is part of a research combining poetry, alternative printing process, Mediterranean mythology and family history.
"These last few years I experienced a profound need to leave in search of The World of Origins. Thus, I returned to Crete, the place of my birth, to pursue primal images, common memories. I photographed as one would place the panes of a window and vertiginously suspend them above time, and through which I would have been let go into the depths of ages, where the stones preserve our memory. Throughout this ecstatic dive, I became this child that one would separate from his native land, I became one of these Minoans carried away by the water, I became Adam trampling the ground of Paradise Lost (...)
(...) Composé de cyanotypes, ce bel ouvrage imprimé sur papier épais est une matière d’onirisme, à la fois hommage et salutation de départ à une île où le bonheur fut possible.
Petit d’homme, qu’as-tu fait de ta vie ?
Qu’as-tu fait de l’amour ?(...)
En contemplant les morceaux de corps, et les détails – tantôt minéraux, tantôt végétaux – capturés par Nyima Marin, on se prend à relativiser la cruauté et la bêtise humaine, et on se délecte de cet espace où toute hiérarchie est abolie. Car au sommet d’un mont pelé crétois, il ne reste que le ciel, la mer et les pierres. Et finalement, cela suffit amplement.